GESTOCI puts its staff in the heart of performance. Our policy focuses on the recognition and appreciation of women and men.
This policy follows careful steps and stages accordingly:
• Recruitment: with an approach that detects profiles in line with our needs, to take over and support our recruits to their integration.
• Salary: with a system of incentives and the workers’ sharing of the company’s profits.
• Skills development: this represents a priority for us and it is enhanced through:
- Training: we continuously strive to improve knowledge and skills of our staff.
- Implementation of our system of assessment and our career profile: we are making social responsibility, a shared responsibility by enabling the worker to be an actor in his own development and by giving him the opportunity to progress.
• Health and welfare: with a medical and social care scheme for workers and their families, and support to the CHSCT, to the AIDS Committee and Sports Committee.
• Social dialogue: by encouraging the emergence of constituent bodies (staff representative, mutual insurance, women union ....) and by giving them our support.