
| Butane gas: « Always go further in increasing our storage capacity »

Ibrahima DOUMBIA - Directeur Général GESTOCI

The State of Côte d'Ivoire, faced with the overuse of wood fuels (charcoal and firewood, etc.) and their negative implications on deforestation, has chosen to optimize the resources at its disposal, by adopting as of 1993, a policy of popularizing Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), commonly called butane gas.

It is with great pleasure that we receive, at the start of 2021, this butane storage unit (sphere A22) which will increase the capacity of the Société de Gestion des Stocks Pétroliers de Côte d'Ivoire (GESTOCI), increasing it from 4,000 tonnes to 6,000 tonnes. Which is a great qualitative leap for us.

To anticipate the growing level of butane gas consumption, our objective is to always go further in our ambition to bring GESTOCI's capacity to optimal levels. We already expect to reach 10,000 tonnes by 2025. Strengthening our storage, operational production and safety capacity allows us to focus serenely on the core of our business: namely ensuring the availability of LPG at any time and in any place, without fear of having to deal with disruptions. of stock ; and continue to maintain the contract of trust that binds us to households and partners.

In view of current and future investments, we can say that Côte d'Ivoire is on the right track.

As a reminder, the low storage capacity of yesteryear, with the risks of shortage and / or disruption in the supply of butane gas to households, was both a cause for anxiety and stress to be managed, as well. for the management team and for all staff. This is now a thing of the past.

This is why we would like to express our sincere thanks to the President of the Republic, Alassane Ouattara, for his great vision and his leadership for the reforms he initiated in the energy sector in general, and particularly at the level of hydrocarbons, through the implementation of incentive measures which have made it possible to substantially increase the consumption of butane gas for several years.

According to a recent study, households use butane gas at more than 95% in the economic capital Abidjan (which a few years ago was an exclusive consumption zone for charcoal), and at more than 75% throughout the country. extent of the national territory.

The last but not the least. We salute our supervisory authority for its winning strategy and its commitment to support us, by equipping us with efficient facilities, in order to meet the various demands for petroleum products, both nationally and in the hinterland, with leitmotif to always go further in the satisfaction of our customers.


Ibrahima DOUMBIA
GESTOCI General Manager

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