
| 40th anniversary of GESTOCI: Minister Adama KAMARA translates the recognition of the State to 162 “Gestociens” agents

Abidjan, December 20, 2023 - The Minister of Employment and Social Protection, Maître Adama Kamara, proceeded on December 20, 2023, at the Abidjan-Vridi Oil Terminal Depot "TPAV", to the presentation of medals of honor of Labor to 162 Gestoci agents for the good and loyal services rendered to the company.

“These distinctions symbolize our commitment to all workers in our Nation. Valued and recognized work is the foundation of a prosperous society. By investing in our agents, we are investing in the wealth and future of Côte d’Ivoire. And it is by uniting our efforts and recognizing merit that we build a better and fairer future for all." said Me Adama Kamara in the presence of his colleague Amadou Coulibaly, Minister of Communication and also spokesperson for the Government.

Addressing the recipients, some of whom have between 15 and 40 years of service, the Director General, Ibrahima Doumbia, praised the strong commitment and professionalism they have demonstrated over all these years. "Your remarkable work, for 40 years, has made it possible to protect Côte d'Ivoire and the hinterland from any disruption in the supply of petroleum products. Thank you and be proud of you" testified the DG to the parents , friends and acquaintances of those decorated.

As a reminder, the Labor Medal, an honorary distinction, rewards the cumulative professional competence and dedication of workers in the service of the Nation. To mark the fortieth anniversary of Gestoci, a total of 162 agents (including 52 eligible for retirement) benefited from these distinctions.






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