
| Annual fire drill simulation: Nina Keita Kamara, DGA of GESTOCI: "We are ready to deal with any possible disasters"

Nina KEITA KAMARA Directeur Général Adjoint GESTOCI

The Deputy Director General (DGA) of GESTOCI, Nina Keita Kamara, was delighted, on December 14, 2022 in Yamoussoukro, with the reaction capacity of its services in a disaster situation. She expressed this satisfaction at the end of the fire drill, with activation of the Internal Operation Plan (POI). An operation that notably takes into account not only the evaluation of human, technical and organizational resources, but also tests the company's firefighting strategy.

"The men and women of the security system are really well trained to overcome any difficulties that may arise," said Nina Keita Kamara, before paying tribute to the agents of GSPM, SODEXAM, CCDO, Gendarmerie and of the National Police.

The particularity of this edition of the POI is that the exercise this year was inspired by a real fire that occurred on a Gestoci depot, about two years ago. The promptness, dexterity and efficiency of the intervention teams lived up to the DGA's expectations. “We are extremely pleased to see that the fire was extinguished within 60 minutes, the time typically required to put out a fire at the depot,” she said.

Nina Keita Kamara's satisfaction also comes from the fact that the simulation, the objective of which is to test the operational, technical system and responsiveness in the management of a fire, has seen innovations this year. “This year, we used the ramp-up curve and the tactical situation as well as external interventions,” explained the DGA.

The exercise was followed by an on-the-spot debriefing during which several constructive criticisms were made, with a view to making the necessary corrections to further improve the emergency response.

As the DGA reminded us, GESTOCI is constantly striving for excellence. She invited all staff to comply with this line of conduct. It should be remembered that GESTOCI was named the best company in the oil sector in 2020/2021 in Côte d'Ivoire.

In addition, since July 2022, GESTOCI is also the first Ivorian oil company to hold triple QSE certification. Namely: ISO 9001 version 2015; ISO 14.001 version 2015; and ISO 45.001 version 2018.

This triple certification allows GESTOCI to have a global risk management policy recognized by all.



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